At AP, supporting education is at the heart of our values, and we firmly believe that travel and internships abroad are invaluable experiences in the training of young people.

This spring, we were delighted to welcome an intern from France! Fanny Thepaut, a Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (BUT) program student in Quimper, crossed borders to pursue her studies at CEGEP Lionel-Groulx during the winter 2024 session. Her journey led her to join our OCEANAIR international logistics team for an 8-week internship.

This internship ends today and has been an enriching adventure for Fanny and our team.

Fanny’s story at AP is one of continuity, as she worked alongside our colleague Dorothée, who had a similar international experience. In 2022, Dorothée studied in Quimper and completed an internship there as part of her logistics training at the Lionel-Groulx CEGEP.

Goodbye, Fanny, and thank you for your time at AP! We wish you success and fulfillment in your future career!