Every spring, the Ministère des Transports et de la mobilité durable determines thaw periods during which the loads of heavy vehicles travelling on Quebec’s road network must be reduced.

Here are the new official and target dates for the start and end of the load restriction period for each thaw zone:

Official dates

  • Zone 1: From Monday, March 4th (00:01) to Friday, April 26th (23:59)​

Target dates

  • Zone 2: From Monday, March 25th (00:01) to Friday, May 17th (23:59)
  • Zone 3: From Monday, April 1st (00:01) to Friday, May 24​th ​(23:59)We will inform you of any further changes due to weather conditions.

To learn more

➡️ https://www.transports.gouv.qc.ca/en/camionnage/degel-periode-restrictions-charges/Pages/periode-degel.aspx

➡️ https://www.transports.gouv.qc.ca/en/camionnage/degel-periode-restrictions-charges/Pages/degel-periodes-restrictions-charges.aspx